Square Root of Negative 103
So you want to calculate the square root of negative 103? In mathematical terms, you want the solution to the following:
√-103 = ?
If you enter SQRT(-103) into a spreadsheet on your computer, you will get an error message saying something like "argument must be greater or equal to 0" because the square root of negative 103 is not possible. There is no real number multiplied by itself that will equal -103.
However, it is possible to calculate the square root of negative 103 with a complex or imaginary square root number. We start by making the imaginary square root of negative 1. With this, we can combine real and imaginary square roots to make this true:
√-103 = √103 × √-1
The square root of 103 (rounded to the nearest thousandth) is 10.149. Furthermore, the square root of negative 1 is an imaginary insignificant number (iota) which can be transliterated as i. That's it. Now, we have our answer to the square root of negative 103:
√-103 = 10.149 i
Note: since negative times negative equals positive, one could therefore conclude that -10.149 i is also a correct answer to the square root of negative 103.
Square Root of a Negative Number
Please enter another negative number in the box below to get the square root of that negative number.
Square Root of Negative 104
Here is the next square root problem on our list that we have calculated for you.
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