Here we will show you how to calculate 2 square root of 5, which is the same as 2√5, which again is the same as 2 times √5. In other words, we will calculate 2 × √5.
We will not only calculate the 2 square root of 5 decimal answer, but we will also calculate 2 square root of 5 simplified. We will start by calculating the decimal answer to 2 square root of 5, as follows:
1. Find the square root of 5:
√5 ≈ 2.236068
2. Multiply 2 by the square root of 5:
2 × 2.236068 = 4.472136
2√5 ≈ 4.472136
To get the answer to 2 square root of 5 simplified, we first determine if √5 can be simplified, and then we multiply what is outside the radical (√) by 2 to get 2 square root of 5 simplified.
√5 can be simplifed to 1√5. Therefore, 2 square root of 5 simplifed can be calculated like this:
2 × 1 × √5 = 2√5
2√5 simplified = 2√5
Number Times Square Root
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Here is another square root problem that you may find interesting.
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