Convert cube root of 41 to square root

Cube Root to Square Root

Here is the formula and math required to convert the cube root of 41 to an equivalent square root. Before we continue, note that the math symbol for a cube root is ∛, and the math symbol for a square root is √. To convert ∛41 to √, we start by making a cube root (c) to square root (s) formula, like this:

∛c = √s
(∛c)² = (√s)²
(∛c)² = s

Now that we have our formula, we can convert the cube root of 41 to a square root by entering 41 in for c in our formula. Here is the math and the answer:

(∛c)² = s
(∛41)² = s
(∛41)² ≈ 11.8902
∛41 ≈ √11.8902
Cube root of 41 ≈ Square root of 11.8902

A calculator will confirm that the cube root of 41 is in fact the same as the square root of 11.8902.

Cube Root to Square Root Converter
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Convert cube root of 42 to square root
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