Convert cube root of 6 to square root

Cube Root to Square Root

Here is the formula and math required to convert the cube root of 6 to an equivalent square root. Before we continue, note that the math symbol for a cube root is ∛, and the math symbol for a square root is √. To convert ∛6 to √, we start by making a cube root (c) to square root (s) formula, like this:

∛c = √s
(∛c)² = (√s)²
(∛c)² = s

Now that we have our formula, we can convert the cube root of 6 to a square root by entering 6 in for c in our formula. Here is the math and the answer:

(∛c)² = s
(∛6)² = s
(∛6)² ≈ 3.3019
∛6 ≈ √3.3019
Cube root of 6 ≈ Square root of 3.3019

A calculator will confirm that the cube root of 6 is in fact the same as the square root of 3.3019.

Cube Root to Square Root Converter
Enter another cube root that we can convert to a square root for you.


Convert cube root of 7 to square root
Here is the next cube root on our list that we have converted to a square root.

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