Square Root of a Decimal

Square Root of a Decimal

On this page we calculate the square root of numbers that have 0 as the whole number (decimal numbers below 1).

We find this calculator very interesting, because the square root of any number you enter in this calculator will equal more than the number you entered.

You read that correctly. The square root of a number can be greater than the number itself. Enter a decimal number below to not only get the square root of that number, but also learn how it is possible for the answer to be more than the decimal number you entered.


Below are examples of numbers where the square root of the number is greater than the number itself.

Square Root of 0.01

Square Root of 0.04

Square Root of 0.09

Square Root of 0.1

Square Root of 0.16

Square Root of 0.2

Square Root of 0.25

Square Root of 0.3

Square Root of 0.36

Square Root of 0.4

Square Root of 0.49

Square Root of 0.5

Square Root of 0.6

Square Root of 0.75

Square Root of 0.8

Square Root of 0.81

Square Root of 0.9

Square Root of 0.0001

Square Root of 0.0009

Square Root of 0.0016

Square Root of 0.002

Square Root of 0.0025

Square Root of 0.0036

Square Root of 0.0064

Square Root of 0.008

Square Root of 0.016

Square Root of 0.0196

Square Root of 0.02

Square Root of 0.0256

Square Root of 0.03

Square Root of 0.05

Square Root of 0.06

Square Root of 0.0625

Square Root of 0.08

Square Root of 0.12

Square Root of 0.15

Square Root of 0.18

Square Root of 0.21

Square Root of 0.24

Square Root of 0.39

Square Root of 0.48

Square Root of 0.52

Square Root of 0.55

Square Root of 0.56

Square Root of 0.66

Square Root of 0.72

Square Root of 0.76

Square Root of 0.84

Square Root of 0.89

Square Root of 0.64

Square Root of 0.0004

Square Root of 0.0225

Square Root of 0.0008

Square Root of 0.001

Square Root of 0.0081

Square Root of 0.004

Square Root of 0.28

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